Clichè Laser HD-Black ‎for Pad printing‎

Clichè laser

‎Clichè Laser the advantages:‎

‎No need to make films anymore (Film)‎
‎No more exposure to UV rays! (Uv Exhibitor)‎‎ ‎
‎No more washing of the engraving!‎‎ ‎
‎No more drying after exposure!‎‎ ‎
‎No need to use chemicals!( alcohol or acids)‎
‎Easy control of the depth of the cliché with a click
‎ ‎‎process of making the cliché is very fast compared to current techniques (photoengraving)!‎‎ ‎
‎Perfect repeatability when making a new cliché both in the positioning of the engraving and in the depth of the cliché!‎‎ ‎
‎Perfect engraving placement when working with multi-colored machines.‎‎ ‎
‎The configuration time of multi-colored works will be reduced to a minimum.‎‎ ‎
‎Possibility to regrow once the cliché plate is already engraved, so you can use the surface of the cliché optimally!‎‎ ‎
‎Duration of the ‎‎Clichè‎‎: about 15,000‎‎ ‎‎Prints
Respectful of the Environmental‎

‎Our ‎‎PKB-30 HD‎‎ Laser machine allows you to create your own clichés, you can do it at an unbeatable speed, at low cost and without transmitting sensitive information to third parties.‎