‎ ‎‎POLICY In information pursuant to Article 13 of the Privacy‎
‎ ‎‎CodeAs of Article 13 of the Code of Legislative Decree 196/2003, we provide you with the following information.‎
‎ At ‎‎PKB‎‎, we believe that the privacy of our visitors is extremely important. This document describes in detail the types of personal information collected and recorded by our site and how it is used. ‎
‎Log FilesLike many other websites‎
‎, ours uses log files. These files simply record site visitors – usually a standard procedure of hosting companies and hosting analytics services. ‎
‎The information contained in the log files includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), information such as date and time, referral pages, exit and entry pages, or the number of clicks. ‎
‎This information is used to analyze trends, administer the site, monitor the movement of users on the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses and other information are not linked to personal information that can be identified, so ‎‎all data is collected in an absolutely anonymous form‎‎. ‎
‎This website uses cookiesCook‎
‎ cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on the browser's PC within the browser. They contain basic information about surfing the Internet and thanks to the browser are recognized every time the user visits the site. ‎
‎Cookie PolicyThis‎
‎ site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the browsing experience, allow surfers to take advantage of any online services and monitor navigation on the site. ‎
‎How to disable CookiesIt‎
‎ is possible to disable cookies directly from the browser used, by accessing the settings (preferences or options): this choice may limit some navigation features of the site. ‎
‎Management of Cookies‎

‎The cookies used on this site may fall into the categories described below.‎

  • ‎Activities strictly necessary for the operationThese‎
    ‎ cookies have a technical nature and allow the site to function properly. For example, they keep the user connected while browsing avoiding that the site requires you to connect several times to access the next pages.‎
  • ‎Activities for saving preferencesThese‎
    ‎ cookies allow you to remember the preferences selected by the user while browsing, for example, they allow you to set the language.‎
  • ‎Statistical Activities and Audience Measurement (eg: Google Analytics)‎
    ‎These cookies help us to understand, through data collected anonymously and aggregated, how users interact with websites by providing information on the sections visited, the time spent on the site, any malfunctions. This helps to improve the performance of websites.‎
  • ‎Social media cookies (ex: Facebook)‎
    ‎These third-party cookies are used to integrate some widespread features of the main social media and provide them within the site. In particular, they allow registration and authentication on the site through facebook and google connect, sharing and commenting on site pages on social media, enable the "like" features on Facebook and "+1" on G+.‎

‎Third-party providers‎

‎Third-party providers, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's previous visits to this site.‎

‎The use of cookies for advertising allows Google and its partners to serve ads to users of this site (and on other sites) based on the statistical data collected on this site and on the websites of Google partners.‎

‎Users can choose to opt out of personalized advertising by visiting the ‎‎Ads Settings‎‎ page.‎

‎By visiting the www.aboutads.info page you can disable cookies from third-party providers.‎

‎Our advertising partners‎

‎Some of our advertising partners may use cookies on our site to collect data on users' browsing anonymously. Our advertising partners include:‎

  • Amazon
  • Ebay

‎Ads from third-party providers operate advertising networks that use cookie technology in their respective ads and in the links that appear on our site. The ads are then sent directly to your browser. They will automatically receive your IP address. Other technologies (such as cookies or JavaScript) may also be used by third-party advertising networks on our site to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and/or personalize the advertising content you see on the site.‎

‎Our site does not access or control these cookies used by third-party advertisers.‎

‎Third-party privacy policy‎

‎You should review the respective privacy policies of these third-party servers for more information about their practices and for instructions on how to opt out of certain practices.‎

‎Our privacy policy does not apply to third-party providers and advertising partners, and we cannot control the activities of such other advertisers or websites.‎

‎If you wish to disable cookies, you can do so through your individual browser options. Further information on managing cookies with specific web browser can be found on the respective websites of the browsers‎

‎Purpose of the processing‎

‎The data may be collected for one or more of the following purposes:‎

  • ‎provide access to restricted areas of the Portal and Portals / sites connected with the present and to send communications also of a commercial nature, news, updates on the initiatives of this site and of the companies controlled by it and / or connected and / or Sponsors.‎
  • ‎possible transfer to third parties of the aforementioned data, always aimed at carrying out email marketing campaigns and sending commercial communications.‎
  • ‎perform the obligations provided for by laws or regulations;‎
  • ‎contact management;‎

‎Processing methods‎

‎The data will be processed in the following ways:‎

  • ‎data collection with single-opt mode, in a special database;‎
  • ‎recording and processing on paper and/or magnetic support;‎
  • ‎organization of the archives in a mainly automated form, pursuant to the Technical Regulations on minimum security measures, Annex B of the Privacy Code.‎

‎Obligatory nature‎

‎All required data are mandatory.‎

‎Rights of the interested party‎

‎Pursuant to art. 7 (Right of access to personal data and other rights) of the Privacy Code, we point out that your rights regarding the processing of data are:‎

  • ‎know, through free access, the existence of data processing that may concern you;‎
  • ‎be informed about the nature and purposes of the processing‎
  • ‎obtain by the holder, without delay:‎
    • ‎confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and the communication in an intelligible form of the same data and their origin, as well as the logic and purposes on which the processing is based; the request may be renewed, subject to the existence of justified reasons, with an interval of not less than ninety days;‎
    • ‎the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;‎
    • ‎updating, rectification or, if interested, integration of existing data;‎
    • ‎object in whole or in part for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning you even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;‎

‎Please note that the data controller for all legal purposes is:‎

  • PKB srl
  • P. IVA 09300000966
  • ‎Fiscal Code: ‎‎09300000966‎
  • ‎ P.za Sicily, 6 – ‎
  • ‎20146‎‎ - ‎‎MILAN‎‎ (‎‎MI‎)
  • ‎Phone/Fax: ‎‎+39 02 90276475‎
  • E-mail: info@pkb-art.com

‎To exercise the rights provided for in art. 7 of the Privacy Code or for the cancellation of your data from the archive, simply contact us through one of the channels made available.‎

‎All data is protected through the use of antivirus, firewall and password protection.‎

‎Information for children‎

‎We believe it is important to ensure added protection for children online. We encourage parents and guardians to spend time online with their children to observe, participate in and/or monitor and guide their online activity. We do not collect personal data from minors. If a parent or guardian believes that our site has a child's personal information in its database, please contact us immediately (using the email provided) and we will do everything to remove such information as soon as possible.‎

‎This privacy policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website and with regard to information shared and/or collected. This policy does not apply to any information collected in offline mode or through channels other than this website.‎


‎By using our website, you consent to our privacy policy and agree to its terms. If you would like more information or have any questions about our privacy policy please do not hesitate to contact us.‎